Hi there
My computers PSU recently died. So I replaced it and all seemed ok. My computer has now started to randomly freeze,hang or run really slow. I figured this may be a HDD problem, I used the chkdsk and it found 4KB in bad sectors. I tried to clean them but with no results. I went to spinrite and HDD regen and some bad sectors were found and cleaned so I thought problem solved.

It still hangs randomly though and a chkdsk still finds 4 KB in bad sectors. I have done a check on the RAM and GPU stress test and they seem fine with no errors. The fact I have no BSOD also leads me to believe that these are still ok. The computer runs and I can even play games for some hours sometimes, it is usually Internet related when the computer decides to stop working.

Is there any reason that windows would find bad sectors when other applications wont?

Does this sound like it could be the fault?

Should I reinstall windows and see what happens?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Maybe your computer could be infected, have you tried to scan your computer with some virus removals?

Member Avatar for gurulounge

Yes, scan for virus and malware.

It could also be a driver issue with Windows, i.e. the motherboard or IDE drivers are causing you problems. See if there are updates for these drivers, or, if Windows is using "generic" drivers you may want to find the original drivers specific to your motherboard and install them.

You also might want to run spinrite again and see if it finds even more errors. If it does then it could indicate a problem with the drive (or even the IDE controller on the motherboard in some cases).


Thanks for the replies I have run a virus scan with no results confirming my computer is clean.

I will check with spinrite again but that obviously takes a while. The drivers are up to date. I will change the cables around on the hard drive to see if that helps and redo spinrite to see what results I can get.

Run Ccleaner and I need some information about your computer. Like the ram, processpr, what brand and etc

The computer is one I built about 3 years ago but the HDD is nearer 5 its a 500 GB western digital. Its an amd phenom 9950, ati HD4870 and 6GB RAM on a gigabyte motherboard. The age of the HDD is what was making me think maybe its slowly dying but am wanting to hold off for a SSD when the prices drop for the amount of storage. Thanks for the advice i will look at ccleaner and see if that finds anything. Im running windows 7 prof 64 bit (its from the microsoft development network) dont know if that can cause an error in drivers? Theres no BSOD when it goes.

Appreciate the help and advice

it might you infected by a malware virus have a full scan with your pc... i would suggest trend micro online scanner.. hope it works..

might you infected by a malware virus have a full scan with your pc... i would suggest trend micro online scanner.. hope it works..

If that's the case, Malwarebytes would be better.

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