Need Help to fixup LCD cable of Acer Travelmate 290E

Hi, I have Acer travel mate 290E series. I my Lcd screen was not working I have opned it and completed every thing bot not able to fix a calbe which is comeing from LCD Screem pannel (Black and White) beside normal VGA cable. This cale have round small tiny connectors. I hope this back and white cabe will be fixed on mother board. This back and white cable seems to be power cable for LCD Screen. I can send the picture of this cable email me for this picyures.

Kindly help me to fix this so that I will use this notebook

If you wouldnt mind post your pictures up here to the site so we can see them. You will have the option to add "attachments" if you click the "advanced reply" button. I will try to help if i can see what you are talking better.

Also, just a word of caution, i would never post your personal email up on a forum, because there are "crawlers" that crawl the internet looking for email addresses on posted on websites, and submit them to spamers. If you have to do it, write it as "badhanmanu at yahoo dot ca". I know you don't want dirty emails everyday :)

Need Help to fixup LCD cable of Acer Travelmate 290E

Hi, I have Acer travel mate 290E series. I my Lcd screen was not working I have opned it and completed every thing bot not able to fix a calbe which is comeing from LCD Screem pannel (Black and White) beside normal VGA cable. This cale have round small tiny connectors. I hope this back and white cabe will be fixed on mother board. This back and white cable seems to be power cable for LCD Screen. I can send the picture of this cable email me for this picyures.
badhanmanu dot at the rate of yahoo dot ca

Kindly help me to fix this so that I will use this notebook


Actually those connectors attach to the wireless card. Your computer uses the frame of your lcd pannel to be a second antenna to get extra good signal. These will have to be routed somehow to whereever your wireless card is located at. It will not, persay, harm your computer or make it not work if they are not connected, but it is really ideal to do it. The vga cable just plugs into your video card. When you plug in the antenna cables into the wireless card, just make sure you read on the card which gets white, and which gets black so they are not reversed.

Hope this helps :)

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