I have just had to restore an hp desktop as it crashed and burned. This computer was on a network and worked fine but now says there is no ethernet controller driver installed and it wont recognize our network. I have no clue what to do and any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks

I'm handling the same problem. It won't recognize any driver. Please help because I hate cables:( .

check device manager is it showing "?" then try to get driver from like driverguide.com

My SiS 900 Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adaptor has apparently failed on my HP/Compaq. What options do I have? Can I get an ethernet card or should I junk the computer?


My SiS 900 Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adaptor has apparently failed on my HP/Compaq. What options do I have? Can I get an ethernet card or should I junk the computer?


if this is a full tower pc ,just go out and buy a PCI network card

check device manager is it showing "?" then try to get driver from like driverguide.com

Interesting scanerio. Its typical of companies that have problems with there product. My question is HOW DO I ACCESS DRIVERGUIDE.COM WHEN I CAN'T EVEN GET ON THE INTERNET??????????

if this is a full tower pc ,just go out and buy a PCI network card



well then its not the network card,why didn't you say that in you last post instead of us going back and forth saying i did this and do that !! did you install drivers for the card ,how do you connect to the internet ,do you have cable or dsl modem or is it connected through a router ,give us a little more info .

well then its not the network card,why didn't you say that in you last post instead of us going back and forth saying i did this and do that !! did you install drivers for the card ,how do you connect to the internet ,do you have cable or dsl modem or is it connected through a router ,give us a little more info .

I didn't say that in the last one BECAUSE I JUST GOT IT AND PUT IT IN YESTERDAY. Had to order it and we were out of town. You don't have to answer is you don't want to - your choice. I have given you all the information I have. Yes, I have installed the drivers. We are on an ethernet system - fiber. Not dsl. We are conneceted via a router ONLY because we have a Linksys wiresless router. My laptop (wireless) works just fine. My Desktop does NOT. That is the problem. i.e. the computer is NOT connecting to the ISP. Therefore the new card. It was the cheapest scanerio. I have done everthing from having the phone lines, fiber, checked. NO PROBLEMS. I have contacted the provider and they say its the computer. NOW WHAT????? I say its them.

ok,try this to see if its conecting go to start run ,type in cmd,then "ping www.google.com" ,,with out the quotes,there is a space between ping and www. hit enter,
this will tell if its connecting ,it will show 4 packets sent and should show 4 received, none lost .
i do use this program to reset all networking settings .very safe to use .

Short of that you could have spyware/trojans causing you problem .i aggree with isp it is most likely your computer

ok,try this to see if its conecting go to start run ,type in cmd,then "ping www.google.com" ,,with out the quotes,there is a space between ping and www. hit enter,
this will tell if its connecting ,it will show 4 packets sent and should show 4 received, none lost .
i do use this program to reset all networking settings .very safe to use .

Short of that you could have spyware/trojans causing you problem .i aggree with isp it is most likely your computer

ISP furnishes a program that does all the pinging for you. Google failed. I will check my spyware protection.

give the winscofix program a try too ,its safe.

Try downloading sp33670.exe

my satalit A305-S6872 toshiba pc cant conect to internet,and it occured after formating windows vista and instaling windows xp,now i seek for an ethernet driver, can you help me.

my satalit A305-S6872 toshiba pc cant conect to internet,and it occured after formating windows vista and instaling windows xp,now i seek for an ethernet driver, can you help me.


I have just had to restore an hp desktop as it crashed and burned. This computer was on a network and worked fine but now says there is no ethernet controller driver installed and it wont recognize our network. I have no clue what to do and any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks

You will need to right-mouse-click on My Computer icon
Then on Properties on the menu
The click on Device Manager Tab
on the Ethernet Controller device - right mouse click
and select Update Driver

I have lost the ethernet driver devise from my PC after I formatted my computer. advise me hoow to solve this problem

I have lost the ethernet driver devise from my PC after I formatted my computer. advise me hoow to solve this problem

go to the website of the computer maker and get the drivers for the device

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