If u guys figure this out i will give u a cookie...

Ok i bought some new ram two 1gb DDR333 CL2.5 stuff...

When i put it into my pc.. and started it a loud long beep occurred... (which means motherboard couldnt find any ram)

this is my motherboard

This is my PC specs
http://www.crucial.com/systemscanner...6sub mit%3Dgo

This is another tech forum with the things i have already tryed...

plz help me i spent quite a bit of cash on this ram and it doesnt want to work for me...:sad:

Usually, bad RAM is 3 long beeps, but this varies from BIOS to BIOS. HAve you checked for loose connections? Seated the CPU properly?

Yea ive checked all connection, i have dismatteled and re-assembled my whole PC... the old ram still works in it but the new stuff doesn't... dosnt matter anyway i have sent the ram back... thats for the help anyway... ;)

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