my pc has been act werid lately

it will shut it self off or freeze

i go to reboot it and the only thing that turns on are the fans

ive checked for a loose connection but none are found

i run windows xp pro with service pack 2
intel p4 3.0
1g ram ddr

I'm afraid that you will have to be more specific about your problem and your rig.

It looks like it is a hardware problem. Could be number of things. CPU, PSU, memory, mobo, VGA card...any of those.

Helpful thing would be if you posted any recent alert logged in event viewer (Administrative tools) that could point out the problem.

I'm afraid that you will have to be more specific about your problem and your rig.

motherboard is an abit sg 72
ive taken out the video card and sound card and using the onboard ones

problem is thats all it does it will run fine for awhile then nothing no beeps or anything just the fans are running

It looks like it is a hardware problem. Could be number of things. CPU, PSU, memory, mobo, VGA card...any of those.

Helpful thing would be if you posted any recent alert logged in event viewer (Administrative tools) that could point out the problem

i looked and no alerts were reported

Those symptoms suggests that your CPU may be overheating.
You should inspect the heatsink and fan clean them. Step further would be to remove the heatsink, clean the surface between the cpu and heatsink and apply thin layer of thermal paste. (The ultimate step would be getting some serious CPU cooling)

In your bios settings is cpu temp. monitor. There you can read the temp.
There are probably temp. monitoring software by which you can monitor the temp. while the system is running.

Those symptoms suggests that your CPU may be overheating.
You should inspect the heatsink and fan clean them. Step further would be to remove the heatsink, clean the surface between the cpu and heatsink and apply thin layer of thermal paste. (The ultimate step would be getting some serious CPU cooling)

In your bios settings is cpu temp. monitor. There you can read the temp.
There are probably temp. monitoring software by which you can monitor the temp. while the system is running.

already did that new fan and heatsink new thermal paste as well

the temp at freeze up is 37c

so im at a lose


Any other updates on your recent configuration changes would be welcome.


Any other updates on your recent configuration changes would be welcome.

no updates or new configs for over a month and ive had this prob since friday

only thing that happened was my usb mouse went dead (not cordless )

You failed to point out wether you installed new heatsink and fan before or after this occured and if new mouse worked fine.

If the answers to the questions above are after and yes...I can only say that I think your CPU is dying a slow death. (and ignore the below)

If the answers are after and no - make sure th heatsink is fastened tight and the layer is THIN. Thick layer isn't really helpfull.
Regarding the mouse answer, it's probably toasted usb controller, which is an integral part of mobo. Yep. Mobo is dying, piece by piece. Only thing here for you to do is to disable usb controller via bios settings (getting new usb controller PCI card is optional and advised)

Nevertheless, (a long shot) your memory timings could be offset, overclocking CPU (or VGA) can cause such behaviour too.

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