In about one month i am purchasing a new video card, which will require me to purchase a new power supply, because my current one is only a 250w. I have been searching many websites in order to try to find out with PSU i will need and what features im looking for, and how to tell if the PSU will be any good, or if it wil crap out on me in a few weeks. Id really like some help here. I am looking for a 450 - 500w PSU and i was hoping to spend no more than $30, maybe ill need to spend more.
My system specs and componets:
AMD Athlon XP 3100+ 2.2 ghz rated at 3.1ghz processor
2 sticks of 512 mb pc2700 ddr sdram
160 gb hardrive
DVD - Rom drive
CD - RW drive
ATI Radeon 9200 se agp 128 mb (soon to be upgrading to an XFX 6800 XT 256 mb agp card)
9 in 1 card reader
2.0 speaker system (soon to be a 2.1 within the next week)
CRT Monitor
HP printer
I think that is all of the components of my hardrive.
I tried to find out what the form factor of my PSU was but i do not know where it is located on the actual power unit. Also, i do not need a SLI ready power supply, but what is the 12V+ feature on some of the PSU's? Im really confused here and I cannot afford to fry my motherboard due to a faulty or underpowered PSU
Thanks in advance