I dropped my external hard drive while it was running; properties shows half of it being used, but if you open the drive no files or directories show. Is there anyway to pull that info out.

I could use the help, its work related.

run check disk utility, there are some questions. have you lost partitions? or only data? and how much space is it shown in computer management of you hard drive?

that did the trick, we were able to back up the data. all our advanced technology and good ol chkdsk fixed the problems. I'm still amazed at what learning dos has done for me

We had a similar problem a few weeks ago. Windows couldn't see the files. We opened the drive with partition magic and that could see them. Its an alternative if CHKDSK doesn't do the job.:cool:

Actually chkdsk, worked perfectly. Found and recovered the orphaned files. They were ghost images, unfortunatly when we restored it came back with image corrupted, so we lost everything.


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