Hello all,
I have an Asus p4p800 MOBO, with 2GB Corsair duel channel RAM and a EVGA Geforce 7800GT CO vid card,
All my hardware components have been in use for about a year now, no problems.
When i turned on my computer last night i smelled a funny burning smell which i attributed to dust in my PSU (i had the computer on it's back for 10ish days previous) then when i got to windows desktop (i DID get there the first time) i had forgotten to plug in my keyboard, so i plugged it and restarted.
On restart: Power came on but there was NO display on my monitor (no POST) and there was a strange beep code:
1 beep, pause, 6 short beeps...
ok, now i'm not sure which to count, apperently 6 beeps means dead Keyboard / Keyboard controller chip, but 7 means Dead CPU....
My CPU has always been solid, never ever had any heating issues, and other then heat it's VERY hard to fry a CPU...
Have tried with no keyboard, nada.
have tried resetting CMOS, nada.
Please, people that know more then me, help...
- Nik