My S6000NX machine will not turn on, and there is a green light that keeps flashing next to the switch. HELP!!!

it could be a bad powersupply, or it could be that compaqs are a piece of junk

i had the same problem with my s6000nx machine, but recently upgraded to a 300w power supply. also if you unplug the power chord that goes to the motherboard and plug it back in > that was temporarily working fine for me for a little while.

My S6000NX machine will not turn on, and there is a green light that keeps flashing next to the switch. HELP!!!

did you ever get help with this. My computer has just done this and I can not get it to come on. I have unplugged it now for 2 day but have not tried to plug it back in to see if it will start now. Any help you might have received would be very much appreciated.

Laurie Christison

It could be a bad powersupply, or the motherboard has gone bad.

Power may be getting through the MB but if the PSU is faulty it may not be supplying enough power. Replace the PSU (or test with a tester) first and then let us know how that goes.

Thank you for the information. However, I am not a computer guru. I do know that the MB is probably mother board as I was contacted about that also but I do not know what a PSU is. Should I take this in to a computer store and have it evaluated?


Power may be getting through the MB but if the PSU is faulty it may not be supplying enough power. Replace the PSU (or test with a tester) first and then let us know how that goes.

If you are unsure of the hardware I would highly recommend taking it to a professional. The PSU means the power supply and is probably at fault however there could be a problem with the motherboard aswell/instead.

Thank you for your help and time.

If you are unsure of the hardware I would highly recommend taking it to a professional. The PSU means the power supply and is probably at fault however there could be a problem with the motherboard aswell/instead.

My S6000NX machine will not turn on, and there is a green light that keeps flashing next to the switch. HELP!!!

unplug the power source as well as take out the battery then push and hold the power button down for 60 seconds. this will dump the memory and reset the pc and it should power up.

You say it will dump the memory. does that mean I will loose what's on the hard drive?
Or is it a different memory?


unplug the power source as well as take out the battery then push and hold the power button down for 60 seconds. this will dump the memory and reset the pc and it should power up.

You say it will dump the memory. does that mean I will loose what's on the hard drive?
Or is it a different memory?


no just the memory. nothing will be removed from your hard drive. I had a laptop that would do what you say your computer is doing and i called compaq support and that is what they told me to do. try it and let me know how you made out.

Also if it has two sticks of RAM in it try it with only one of each stick. Sometime RAM can go faulty and you wont be able to boot/power up.

I have the same problem too.. with this s6000NX desktop machine. I put a new PSU with the same watts still getting the same problem. I again replaced the PSU with 350 watts still no luck. The machine will boot once and after 5-10 mins the CPU fan will stop then the green light in the front panel will start blinking. Sometimes when you press the power button while on the blinking state you will hear the HD trying to load then it will stop and the machine will beep over and over. You need to totally shutdown the box to get rid of the beeping issue.... Anyone have any other idea I can try. Thank you very much


Dear Sir I have similar problem with my HP Compaq Presari v6000. All LEDs are lit. Fan starts and stops. Screen remain blank.
Is it a hardware problem? or BIOS, or re-seating the RAM or cleaning the fan will help? Please advise.

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