Alright, here's the problem
A girl on my floor came to me for computer help and i've tried everything i know to try. She has a Dell laptop and her keys were acting up. At first it seemed like it was the "Fn" keys, but then i realized it wasn't just those keys..and not all of them. So we finally got her logged back into XP and i downloaded and ran Spybot which fixed 8 of the 11 non-working keys. However, spacebar, backspace, and i think it's the "\" key still don't work. Spacebar makes a b...backspace some jibberish. Previously the other "Broken" keys had been doing the same thing just creating jiberrish (which made it hard to type her pasword...although when i did CTRL-ALT-DEL at the start-up screen and it brought up the different login box, it let the typing of those key work so we could log in) I don't know what else to try. I've honestly never seen anythign like this...and why spybot appeared to fix some keys but not all......I'm lost at what else to try.
I also ran adaware and i got her McAfee and she's running that....
-- Apparantly ';', '?', and stuff also aren't working...and something about sometimes p makes p' ...I just don't understand