Hi all,

im new to this forum and i hope you can help me with my problem,

i've seen this "issue" on other threads and forums but none of the solutions given have worked for me.

I got a new SATA HDD for my computer and ever since I installed it i've been getting the "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" message. the way i've been solving the problem is just by leaving my windows install disk in the computer at all times...and you can probably see how this would get annoying.

I was wondering id anybody knew of an affordable (<=$0) solution to this problem.

regards ,


Have you checked in the bios to see if your computer is recognizing the drive? From your posting I cannot tell how much you have tried to remedy this problem. I am having the same problem but with brand new systems. Once I figure something out, I'll shoot it over to you.


Have you checked in the bios to see if your computer is recognizing the drive? From your posting I cannot tell how much you have tried to remedy this problem. I am having the same problem but with brand new systems. Once I figure something out, I'll shoot it over to you.

thread almost 1 yr old


I have almost the same problem as that but everytime I turn on the machine, the BIOS recognises the Hard Disk but lately it will prompt "Disk Boot Error, Insert System Disk And Press Enter". Can somebody help me please?

hi amature_tech, is you hard drive detected on the bios? and does it have an operating system installed on it? if your bios doesn't detect then it will have this problem..if your bios detect but your hdd got no operating system.it will also have this problem..make sure that your hdd is detected by the bios and it has an operating system to load..

same problem happened to me also, I just removed the sata cable and cleaned its ports, then I returned it then everything worked

remember in the trouble shooting process "try quick solution first" I hope it helps ^^

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