Hello Everyone
Glad I found what looks like to be a nice forum with knowledgable people.

I have a big problem that has been haunting me for a while now.
About 8 months ago, my younger sister was using my laptop, a Compaq Persario X1000, she called me and said "the battery died, where is the charger". When plugged in, nothing happened so she left it. When I got there I saw that no lights were on, it was plugged in, I didnt know what was up. I started searching. I found a site, x1000forums, but it is now shut down, dont know why

Yesterday I tried fixing it again.
I have tried, Hard reseting it, new battery, 4 differnt power chords, all of which WORK on other compaq laptops, so it isnt those,
I completley took it apart yesterday and examined it TOP to bottom. I couldnt find anything wrong. I removed the heatsink and applied new thermal paste, everything else looked fine
Nothing has happened to the power connection, and a fully charged battery doesnt work either
What can I possibly do next?
Thanks so much, in advance.


Anyone have any ideas what is wrong here?

Anyone have any ideas what is wrong here?

I have a similar problem. My Dell Laptop actually fell from the coffee table and on to the carpet. And after that it won't power-up. I have tried 4 different adopters: when I plug the adopter in the laptop, the adopter light does off. The battery is also full and I have also tried it by removing the battery.

I have no experience of opening and checking the laptop. I am hoping someone can help explain me enough that I can then go to a repair place and have them do it.

thanks in advanve...

Similiar thing happened to me. Compaq laptop fell about 18" to carpet. Acted funny for a week then went DEAD. NOTHING. Hope we both get some help.


i think it needs a new mother board because it might be fried. im crap at spelling. have you a surge pertecter ?

No lights - no power - most likely system board.

Might just need the DC Jack (power socket) replaced on the motherboard. If force is applied to the AC Adapter (charger) it can weaken the solder joint.

<SNIP> has a how to repair a DC Jack, the process is the same for most laptops.

I fix them for £59.99.

Any good reason that you would respond to a posting that is a year old (or is it just a business promotion thing)?

greetings to all you problemed humans as a xp3506 computer, you should know that once the motherboard overheats with 125+volts, the inside of the jack breaks right at the tip causing a shortage in the metalic rod, which cuts the energy flow. Solution: solder with antimony-lead coil, if not convinced go to a repair store!!!ASAP

Might just need the DC Jack (power socket) replaced on the motherboard. If force is applied to the AC Adapter (charger) it can weaken the solder joint.

<SNIP> has a how to repair a DC Jack, the process is the same for most laptops.

I fix them for £59.99.

Apart from this thread being almost 3 years old, what makes you think the OP lives in your country?

got the same problem. please help!

Nope. Thread is 4 years old. Please start your own thread and explain the problems you are having.

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