I currently have a network of 5 PCs wirelessly connected with a D-Link Access Point (DLink DWL-700). They are sharing the Internet access.

I am required now to include two units of Apple Macintosh G4 and 1 unit of Apple Mac G5 wirelessly to the network, to share the Internet. Is that possible? What kind of adapter do the Macs need? Can their adapter, if different from those used for the PCs, work with the existing D-Link Access point?

Please excuse my ignorance. I have never done networking with Macintosh computers. This is my first time. I need some pointers. Thanks a lot to whoever can give me the above info.

It's quite possible, although it depends on the wireless capability of the iMacs. To find out, boot them up and see if there's an Airport menu on the menubar. If not, it's highly unlikely that the computer is wireless-capable.

To solve the problem, you could buy an Airport Extreme card for any iMacs that do not have Airport already. They're $50 if you're interested:

Alternatively, you could save yourself about $30 and buy yourself a USB Wireless adapter, which although would cut down the speed a bit, requires no installation.

Finally, once the iMac has wireless, you can connect to your D-Link router by using the Airport menu to choose the network to connect to. Simply enter your password (if needed), and you're done.

Thank you Joeprogrammer. The USB wireless adapter that you mentioned, we have with us 3 of these: D-Link DWL-G122 External USB adapter, which we put on some PCs. Can this kind work on the Macs?

Thanks again.

Thank you Joeprogrammer. The USB wireless adapter that you mentioned, we have with us 3 of these: D-Link DWL-G122 External USB adapter, which we put on some PCs. Can this kind work on the Macs?

Not according to D-Link's site:


Please Note: The DWL-G122 is not compatible with Apple Macintosh. Please call D-Link Sales for information on compatible Macintosh solutions.

[edit] Apparently it is possible to use it on a Macintosh by using the Ralink Technology drivers. See this how-to for more information:

Many thanks for the valuable information. I shall give it a try. I wonder if anybody has done it: installing Ralink driver and use the D-Link G122 USB for the Mac.

I'm happy to say I did it...took a little time to work through it but now I get it thank you for your help ...

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