I am trying to install windows xp on my external hardrive (80gb western digital 7200rpm) so i could boot off of it later. i am 100% shure that this is possible i just dont know how. it is a usb HD. the first thing i tried was to put in the xp pro disk in the cd rom drive then restarted the system so it loads from the disk. then it asked me what hardrive i wanted to install windows on, i chose the external one then it said that if i continue the hardrive will get erased in order to install windows. then it said that system cant install windows on the drive. what did i do wrong. Please Help!

Thank You. :)

If that external hard drive is connected by usb then I'm sure that what you describe can't be achieved. The system would need an OS to load first and install usb drivers before the external hard drive could be accessed.

On some computers, get into the bios and you can choose to boot other devices. You should be able to boot from usb, if I am not mistaken.

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