HI, First of all I use Win XP. Everything is updated. My computer has 400 mhz, 448 mb, 30 gb (supposed to been 80 gb, I dont know why, maybe its the motherboard). I have installed few games with no problem. This one game I tried to install, it took like 5% installation in about an hour. I cancel it. I tried to use that same game in my brother in law's computer and it worked fine so I know the cd is fine itself. I also tried to play cd music in it and I dont get any sound from it. I wonder if it got todo anythign with boot sequence or scsi? Please let me know what I can do to fix it. Thanks!:sad:

HI, First of all I use Win XP. Everything is updated. My computer has 400 mhz, 448 mb, 30 gb (supposed to been 80 gb, I dont know why, maybe its the motherboard). I have installed few games with no problem. This one game I tried to install, it took like 5% installation in about an hour. I cancel it. I tried to use that same game in my brother in law's computer and it worked fine so I know the cd is fine itself. I also tried to play cd music in it and I dont get any sound from it. I wonder if it got todo anythign with boot sequence or scsi? Please let me know what I can do to fix it. Thanks!:sad:

By the way, My CR-ROM is MITSUMI CD-ROM FX321OS!B. It worked fine til I installed bigger HD and WIN XP. Hope that helps!:sad:

Does Device Manager indicate that the CD-ROM is working correctly?

1. Perhaps you jostled the CR-ROM's cabling when you installed the new hard drive. Open your case and make sure all cables/connectors are seated properly.

2. As for the sound- do you get any sound at all? That is, can you hear systems sounds or music files played off the hard drive? Check the mixer settings in your sound applications; the CD audio volume may be muted or the fader may be pulled all the way down.

3. I doubt that a system of that age even has SCSI, unless you installed a SCSI adapter in it. And no, the boot sequence will have nothing to do with the problem.

4. The 80G hard drive shows up as ~30G because of an old 32G limit on IDE drives. You may be able to upgrade your BIOS if that's where the limitation lies. You can also use "drive overlay" software such as Maxtor's MaxBlast; the software "fools" the system into handling drives larger that what it normally could. Another thing to look at is the drive itself- some large drives have a "32G clip" jumper setting which forces the drive to report it's size as <32G in order to be compatible with older systems which suffer from the 32G limit.

HI, First of all I use Win XP. Everything is updated. My computer has 400 mhz, 448 mb, 30 gb (supposed to been 80 gb, I dont know why, maybe its the motherboard).

Supposed to be 80 GB?

What type of motherboard do you have? I'd think there could be something with LBA enabled on the motherboard, or maybe cabling.

What does your setup look like as far as cabling is concerned? (ie, Primary Master/Slave, etc)

HI, First of all I use Win XP. Everything is updated. My computer has 400 mhz, 448 mb, 30 gb (supposed to been 80 gb, I dont know why, maybe its the motherboard). QUOTE]

Supposed to be 80 GB?

What type of motherboard do you have? I'd think there could be something with LBA enabled on the motherboard, or maybe cabling.

What does your setup look like as far as cabling is concerned? (ie, Primary Master/Slave, etc)

Allright, I will have to look it all up and I will post everything you need to know after I find them. I will do that sometime tonite or tomorrow ok. Thanks!

Hello, I found everything I need for you to see what my computer has. I kinda printed a screen shot from Belarc Advisor of what in my computer. Do you want me to put it in this thread? Let me know so I can go ahead and do it asap. Thanks!

By the way I contacted BIOS to see whats in my computer etc.. They said I needed to upgrade BIOS for my motherboard. Here is what they said-->
Based on the technical specifications you had submitted, we have an excellent BIOS Upgrade for your system. We have the brand new Award BIOS for your motherboard.

What should I do? go ahead and upgrade it? They said it will cost $24.95 to upgrade it? What does upgrade do? Thanks!:)

If the BIOS manufacturer gave you the upgrade info, you should probably go for it. Before doing so though, ask them specifically if the upgrade solves the drive size limit. You should also ask them what the size limit will be in the upgraded BIOS version, because limits exist at 64G and 127G too. Aside from adding large-drive capability, an upgrade could provide a number things such as bug fixes, enhanced device support, performance tweaks, and the like.

In terms of the CD-ROM, has it worked in the past? If so, were there any changes made to the system just prior to the problem's appearance?

In terms of your system info, I don't know if we need the whole banana; I was just asking if Device Manager showed any problems with the CD-ROM device.

HI, Yeah cd rom has worked in the past. It stopped when I installed bigger harddrive and installed win xp. What I mean by stopped is, it wont play music cd. Maybe it is but I dont hear anything coming from it. Device manager says everything is working correctly. It also takes forever installing a game. It dont always take that long to install a game. Sometime it does. By the way, If u needed to know, My cd rom speed is 32x if that helps. It took like an hour just to get to 5% installation for a game. I tried using that same game in different computer and it worked just fine.I will contact the people from BIOS and find out mor einfo about the upgrades. I will get back with you on those infos. Thanks again!:)

HI, I still cannot get my cd rom to work right. I have checked everything like cabling etc.. The master goes to my hard drive and slave goes to cd-rom. I recently installed cd-rom r/rw. I replaced it where the cd-rom used to be. I put the cd on it own in secondary IDE making it a master. Even with new cd-rom r/rw, it wont even play a music cd. Same goes for the other cd-rom. Could it be a player? I know it has to be something simple to make it work but I just cant think of anything right now. Hope someone out there help me with this. Thanks!:D

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