Hey, maybe this is the wrong forum, but you people probably know way more than I do about this stuff. To the point. Windows XP, suddenly it begins to run slow. I try everything to fix it but nothing works. It's not connected to the internet but I download Norton 360 at school and install it on my computer. Against all odds, it finds spyware called spyware007.spy and "fixes" it. I turn off my computer and reboot but now when it powers up but nothing happens - it just turns off after about 5 seconds. HELP! Anyone know how to deal with this? Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this! Nick

hah.. what did you do to "try.. to fix it"? Norton is a piece of junk, I wouldnt install it on any computer. I've never heard of spyware007.spy... The computer turns on and then off in 5 seconds? Does it display any messages, beeps, etc?

Hey, maybe this is the wrong forum, but you people probably know way more than I do about this stuff. To the point. Windows XP, suddenly it begins to run slow. I try everything to fix it but nothing works. It's not connected to the internet but I download Norton 360 at school and install it on my computer. Against all odds, it finds spyware called spyware007.spy and "fixes" it. I turn off my computer and reboot but now when it powers up but nothing happens - it just turns off after about 5 seconds. HELP! Anyone know how to deal with this? Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this! Nick

hitting the f8 key on bootup go to safe mode and uninstall norton 360 and try booting windows again.
Also did you download norton from norton ,or cracked version from p2p

my friend installed Norton and it came up nothing it started to slow down the PC continuously disconnecting my friend from his network and when he turned it off i keeps booting up with a login screen with no user accounts i tried safe mode and there was no admin account. so i reinstalled windows (my friend an idiot) put Norton back on and it all started again so indeed it is Norton so i didn't turn off my PC i manually searched for whatever was infecting my computer i finally found it and deleted it and got rid of Norton and got something reliable like kaspersky or avg free

Have a good one

or avast, I personally think avast is the best virus protection software.

if it's restarting just as the boot loader starts up put your winders XP CD in, and restart go into the setup for windows XP, run the repair installtion not the normal repair option this will allow you to keep all your files and settings and should allow you to get back into windows

PS: the admin username for safe mode is administrator with no password

yes lots of progams have recovery tool like as he said the windows cd you could use acronis and norton ghost and other recovery cds


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