I built my first pc about 10 months ago, but the motherboard broke so I ordered a new similar one. I am having problems installing the new motherboard.

When I boot up, all the drives are recognised, but i then get the error message:
"remove disks or other media. press any key to restart"

I get this error message whether there is no CD in the drive, or if the motherboard CD is in the drive. I can't do much else without installing the motherboard.

I have been into the BIOS and got the DVD drive to load before my hard drive.

I hope someone can help, and I will give more details if needed!

Does the machine have a floppy?

No there's no floppy disk drive or any other media. thanks sarah x

Hmm because the only time ive ever seen that is if you start up an (older) pc with a non-bootable floppy in the drive... Its a wierd one, this. What model is the motherboard. Full system specs would be nice too please

Did you install the old hdd with the new motherboard without any changes?

Did you install the old hdd with the new motherboard without any changes?

I think the problem may be something to do with the HDD. But everything in my PC broke down at once so its hard to tell. In my old PC I had a 3GB hard drive running windows and a 15GB hard drive for data. But then I started to get messages saying that the 3GB one was corrupted. It turned out that there was a problem with the motherboard so I got it replaced and am still not sure whether there really is something wrong with the 3GB drive.

But to be sure I decided to try to run my PC with just the 15GB drive. So now the 15GB drive is the primary master and the DVDdrive is secondary master.

Could the problem be that there is still all my data on the 15GB drive? If so, I'm not sure how I can get around it without getting a new second hard drive, or by copying everything from the 15gb drive to my housemates PC.

hope this info helps

If you introduce the old hdd to a different motherboard with a different chipset from the original it will cause problems with the OS.

Another possibility would be that the hdd just died of old age. I'm guessing that those hdds are from a machine form the late 1990s.

If you introduce the old hdd to a different motherboard with a different chipset from the original it will cause problems with the OS.

Another possibility would be that the hdd just died of old age. I'm guessing that those hdds are from a machine form the late 1990s.

It's all working now. The problem was I was trying to install windows onto an unformatted harddrive. thanks for the response though


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