I'm trying to replace my Thinkpad T22 CMOS battery, and am having what I hope to be a simple and easily solved problem.
I have the repair manual in front of me. Here's what I've done, following the instructions:
- Disconnect the power. Check.
- Remove the main battery. Check.
- Remove the screw holding the CMOS battery holder to the case (screw is to the upper right of the CMOS battery). Check.
- Pull the battery holder out of the computer. NO. Something is still holding it in - at the top left corner of the main battery's opening, at the point where the battery wire connects to the computer. The battery holder is pivoting on something. The manual doesn't say anything about more screws and I don't see anything obvious there. I really, really don't want to try pulling the battery holder out by force.
What am I missing here? According to the manual it should come right out.
Thanks for any help.