i have an intel pentium 4 3600 ghz on my intel D925XBC with a winfast PX7800GT and a SATA WD 80GB HDD and a kingston 1g 667mhz DDR2 CL5.

at first i thought it was overheating so i bought a AS5 paste
but that did'nt help
i then re-installed Windows XP on a formatted drive!
but that did'nt help either
i ran scandisk, defrag, spyware etc. scans
but that dont help!

This is a little strange, I did a quick search at Kingston and they didn't list any 667MHz modules for that board, but Crucial does. What is the model of your RAM.

I tried to find the manual for your motherboard but ran out of patience with the Intel web site, check and see what it says about running a single RAM module in single channel.

Have you defragged the hdd, and how much free space do you have on it.

Have you looked to see what applications are running and tried to disable any that aren't necessary?

here is what i've got:
i did'nt get the part about the intel site, what do you want me to do?
i did defrag, and i have in one drive 66% free and in the other 13%.
as for the applications, it's a new OS so i have pretty much nothing.

now a really strange thing happens
my USB mouse is not recognized, but has the red light on...
i tried other USB devices and i'm affraid they're gone!

could this be connected?

here is what i've got:
i did'nt get the part about the intel site, what do you want me to do?
i did defrag, and i have in one drive 66% free and in the other 13%.
as for the applications, it's a new OS so i have pretty much nothing.

now a really strange thing happens
my USB mouse is not recognized, but has the red light on...
i tried other USB devices and i'm affraid they're gone!

could this be connected?

About Intel, I was just explaining that I had tried to download the user's manual for your motherboard but had run out of patience with their site, it's very frustrating. What I was suggesting was to check in you copy of the user's manual to see what is has for instruction for installing only on RAM module.

As for the mouse, if it is a USB type you may need to enable it in the BIOS. If this reset and you need to do this again change the CMOS battery.

The RAM that you listed is not one of the modules listed as being compatible with your board. Do you have another module that you can try?

and after meesing with the USB i might loose another device?
is there a way to check through the windows or something?

as for the RAM i dont have a different module...do you think this is what's slowing me down?
if so, could you please let me know which are compatible with my board, or give me a link

You're not going to mess anything up by playing around in the BIOS, you can always reset the CMOS by using its jumper or removing and replacing the CMOS battery. But what does happen is if you have settings like the ones I mentioned they will go back to their default values when you clean the CMOS, you will have to go back and enable these, and a USB mouse and or keyboard could be included in that.

I provided you with two links to RAM that will be compatible with your motherboard, one was for Kingston, and the other was for Crucial. Personally I have a preference for Crucial.

As for whether I think that your module could be what is slowing things down, yes it is possible. If you use the link that I provided for Kingston you will see that it is not on the list of suggested modules which they know will be compatible with your motherboard.

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edit: oh it seems to have been deleted now

i've checked the BIOS and there it says.....
3.40 GHZ
800 MHz
533 MHz
weird...cuz it still says in windows
Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz
3.40 GHZ, 1.00 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
what should i do??!!
anyway the comp is still slow!!!

i've loaded the default on the BIOS and re-inserted the BIOS jumpper
and the USB still isn't working!

i've read that my RAM might not be "comfertable" woth my board...
do you think i need to get another one?
i wanna be sure before i buy a new one...

I have told you that your problem may be that the module that is not supported by Kingston for that motherboard could be your problem. Good luck

so should i buy a new one?
two new ones?!
what are you saying?

Woah Slow down everyone. When your system is slow does always mean something serious.

You havn't added anything new?

You stated you've Reinstalled Windows XP again, This completly points to a Resource issue. You can add tons and tons of Ram and the biggest Hard drive possible and you can still have issues with your computer being slow. You have to think of it this way. You can only let out so much water from a Dam because the Pipes can only hold so much water. Same goes with your computer.

First since you said that you reinstalled windows if you are running Windows XP be sure you have SP2 installed and all windows updates have been updated.

Next you can create more performance out of your system if you limit the amount of programs running at one time. Everyone always says, "I don't have any programs running". Well the great thing about Windows is that it hides the programs that are running in the background.

The only programs that should be running in the background should be your Firewall.

You can run your antivirus and antispyware when you want to. Is my recommendation.

Try this: (This is based on Windows XP if you have Windows ME and 98, you will need some of this files running for your computer to work properly)

Go to Start, Run
Go to the startup tab, click on Disable all
Click on apply and then restart your system.
You will get a message box that states, You have used System configuration utility.
Click on the box that states do not launch system configuration again. Then click on ok.

Press cntl alt del and see if your CPU runs at 100%. If so you may have a heating issue.
Replacing your Heat sink might resolve the issue.

Hope that helps.

Rue B2 De.

And then again it can all be explained by incompatible RAM which is basically what is going on here, there may be other issues but until he takes care of the first aspect no one is going to know for sure.

You know you have faulty RAM if you receive many different blue screens with different errors. Also when you boot you system will give you a series of beeps.
More RAM might give you some more performance but you see considerable change if you disable some of your startup items. The question is: Do you really need your printer software to run all the time? Or Quick time to run all the time? When you want to use the program like print you just click on the print Icon and it will run.
Try this and you might see a big change.
This suggestion is just for Windows XP if you have 98 or ME there are start up files that must be enabled for your operation system to run.
Go to Start Run and type MSCONFIG
click on the startup tab and click on Disable all
Click on Apply and then restart.
Your system will give you a message that you have used the "System configuration Utility". Click on the box that has Do not launch System configuration utility and then click ok.
You system will still drag even if you add additional RAM to the MB depending on the FSB the RPM of your HDD the amount of devices you have the IRQ list the I/O etc.
I have trouble shot alot of system and even though they have alot of RAM the Resources need to be organized. If you think about the computer as a person. It like you are giving it all of these tasks to do at once and if you ask to much of it the system will either slow down or freeze.
Save the land fills! Don't replace parts unless you are certain is cannot be solved by software.

RueB 2s De

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