This problem appeared recently. THere are certain keys on my keyboard that when I strike it either logs off, shuts down, goes into standby or something else. Also when I strike some of these keys another symbol appears. For example I will strike "y" and a "/y" appears. When I strike "Caps Lock" a "F" appears. When I strike "v" a "+v" appears. My question is will getting a new keyboard fix the problem or is it something else?

mmm, this doesn't sound like a keyboard problem (unless it has been wired up really badly), how long have you had this keyboard?

The keyboard is about 2 years old. The problem just started a couple days ago.

I have seen laptop keyboards do similar things, but I would also run a virus check, just to safe.


Well thanks you guys I just borrowed my friend's keyboard and it turns out it was my keyboard. I don't know how my keyboard got rewired but I'm just going to get a new one.

Well thanks you guys I just borrowed my friend's keyboard and it turns out it was my keyboard. I don't know how my keyboard got rewired but I'm just going to get a new one.

Thanks for letting us know - I have seen it happen when tea, coffee are spilt into keyboard.


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