
My problem is that when I start a game or play it then there is rectangulars that are crossing the whole screen almost.
They have the colors of the game and it's like they have switched places with another part of a game, like a puzzle that isn't right.

I have Direct X 9.0c and supportable drivers for my graphic card

ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

In call of duty 2 and RTW I have no problems in the menu but I have when I am playing. In WoW and WC3 I have inte the menu and when I am playing.

What is the problem and how do i solve it?

Try reinstalling the games. That would be my first course of action after you have double checked that you can run the game:
If it says that you have passed the minimum specifications, then reinstall the game and when you have reinstalled it (patched it possibly) launch the game and set all the graphics to the "Low" setting.
If the problem pursists after that, post back here.

It pursists, the games worked earlier, couple of weeks, then I left my computer at reparation and got it bak 3 times with different problems evry time.

Now evrything works but not the graphic in games.
Very odd.

This is then pointing to a graphics card problem. I would suggest getting a new graphics card. Seeing as you dont get BSOD's it's not the graphics card at fault, it is the faact that it is not good enough to play the game. Did you test your computer against the link i posted in my previous post? How much RAM do you have?

I got 1024 Mb ram.

Before this problem occoured I could play the games that I can't play today. That is very odd.

Have you removed the RAM sticks recently or changed any hardware at all?

I temoved the power cable from the graphic card and started my computer but I reatatched it again and installed all the necessery drivers and Direct X again after reinstalling windows and formatting my C harddrive.

Has this helped?

mmm, are you sure that your graphics card is complient with what it says on the back of the gamebox? Some games require certain gfx cards otherwise they wont run.

Yes it is, I think the problem was that it got to hot because some idiot at the computor store that had to repair my computer forgot to insert the powercable to the graphic cards air blower(dunno what its name is).

So I think it got overheated.


My problem is that when I start a game or play it then there is rectangulars that are crossing the whole screen almost.
They have the colors of the game and it's like they have switched places with another part of a game, like a puzzle that isn't right.

I have Direct X 9.0c and supportable drivers for my graphic card

ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

In call of duty 2 and RTW I have no problems in the menu but I have when I am playing. In WoW and WC3 I have inte the menu and when I am playing.

What is the problem and how do i solve it?

The 9800 pro isnt good enough. My x800 runs Cod2 on medium so i doubt your 9800P would play it well, if at all

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