when i start my monitor i have to wait for a few minutes to get the clear image from the blurred one...i tried degauss but still it continues....why??


This happens with my Monitor too!! After a few minutes-say 10 min- the fuzziness clears and the monitor is normal. Mine is a HCL Beanstalk - Windows XP.

Let me know whats the problem!

- Beethovened

What type of monitor is it? CRT or LCD?
If it one of the big old style thick ones, try upgrading to an LCD monitor. If your current monitor is an LCD one, try finding the monitor menu button (normally a side button on the monitor itself) and see if you can manually change the settings. Also try using the auto-adjust option (may called something similar) to make the monitor calibrate itself and it may solve the problem. I think that this is definitely a monitor issue, and nothing else to do with your computer.

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