Bios reconises both hard drives but when xp loads I only have my C:\.

is the slave drive formated?
Is it set as a slave on the cable?
are the jumpers setting correct?

go to computer management and see if it shows up there and what is the HDD file ssystem.

Sorry I should have mentioned that the slave has been reconised in the past only this morning has the drive not been reconised. And it is NTFS.

PS No u can't see the drive in computer management

remove the drive, start the pc with the master drive only. (change the jumper to the correct setting) check the bios if the slave is still showing up.( if set to auto detect it should not be listed) if listed remove it. once you have accomplish that shut down the pc, change the jumber on the master, add the slave, and reboot the pc check the bios if the slave is listed. if listed thats great. once the pc start up go to computer management, and see if the drive shows up.

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