Ok this is a first, i have Mcafee Enterprise edition with the firewall and Antispyware installed on the PC = XP Corp SP2, 250 Sata=(Bootable drive) HDD, 320G IDE, 2G RAM. my sun had a freind laptop connected to my Router (wired) i decide to share some files with him ( Music and videos for the ITouch) as soon as i did the share on his computer, i restart my PC, the entire Mcafee suite did not load(no icons in Task Area) so i restart again thinking the pc hang up, still not load, tried to do a repair install, got error message that i have no access to Mcshield.exe, tried to uninstall got he same message, I now suspect a nasties. so i tried to scan with adaware got error message, that i have no access to to a file that was not even on the the pc in the adaware directories, i LOL tried to install Symanted corporate editionm got error i have not access to a file in the symantec directori SND**.EXE not this tile IE start to run real slow, did a search for the error on symantec and it staes that i either dont have permission or there is a virus already on the PC. so i treid AVG and go this error Local machine: installation failed
Error: Action failed for file avgamsvr.exe: creating file....
No such file or directory
i had to LOL again, fire up my VM ( which i am using now) check out caperjack links for the fixes he has in his signature, NON of them would install AVG antispyware gave this errorAVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 Setup
Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.
Abort Retry Ignore
click ignore and continue then try to restart i got an error stating i uninstall and shold have rebooted first before trying to install again.
Trojan hunter gave this error
Unable to execute file:
C:\Program Files\TrojanHunter 5.0\TrojanHunter.exe
CreateProcess failed; code 2.
The system cannot find the file specified.
i ran hijack this and the log seem clean will post if i have to.
ANY suggestion how to clean this..................
i know i might have to end up doing a clean install but just to get a heads up on whats really eating "gilbert grapes" LOL