i can not open any icons on my desktop. the only files that my computer will allow me to open are .mp3 and let me play them in winamp. it wont even let me open hjt. its tellin me when i click on a icon to select a program from the list or web to open it with. my hompage has been changed to about:blank. i only connected to aol from start ; connect to ; then america online. can someome please help me! thanx in advance!

You have had 'net nasties' intrude on your system. Read the "Helping Yourself" topic in the security section, and try using the suggested tools to clean up your system. You might have to download them on another computer and burn them to CD, then boot your PC into 'Safe mode' to install and run them.

I'll move this to the Security forum section for further attention, but please work through the suggestions in the stickied topic first, as it's most likely that your system has multiple problems ;)

thanx for responding, i cant even boot my computer into safe mode but i'm going to see the forum you suggested right now. thanx again this is really frustrating! :evil: :twisted: :mad:

If you can get to your desktop you should be able to get to Safe mode. Press F8 repeatedly just before the Windows logo screen loads following power-up to access it.

okay did that, but in safe mode i cant get to my connection to connect to aol it disappeared so i went back to normal mode.

LocaMaMee924, download the necessary tools on a different PC and burn them to CD. Do it on a friend's PC or on a work PC if you need to.

Then use 'Safe Mode' on your PC to install and run them so you get the best chance of cleaning your own system.

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