Can someone please recommend a good, reliable FREE antivirus program?? Since AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 7.5 will no longer be supported by Windows as of Feb 25 I downloaded and installed AVG 8.0. But it does not update automatically and a "You may not be protected!" message appears onscreen whenever I open the program. I will be uninstalling AVG Free 8.0 and need another antivirus program to replace it. What works for you? I use Windows XP Pro SP2 and Vista on my computers. Thank you for your help.



^the above program is O.K., but i prefer malwarebytes antimalware, and if that fails, Kapersky free edition, but NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU USE NORTON!!!

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is NOT an anti-virus.

To the best of my knowledge, Kaspersky do not have a free AV. They have free removal tools though.
Just been to their site and I see no free AV. If there is, I wouldn't mind trying it.

I would add another vote for Avast. I use it at home myself.

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