zeroth 171 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

Here's a network analysis tool that can be powerful, for you guys that are helping people out. Let me know what you think about it.

not only can you do header analysis but it includes the following:

-analysing email headers and tracking down the sender
-searching usenet for information using DejaNews
-finding the owner of a domain or an IP address using whois
-a case study in tracking down a spammer

Zone Transfer... - ask a DNS server for all it knows about a domain
SMTP Relay Check... - check whether a mail server allows third party relaying
Scan Addresses... - scan a range of IP addresses looking for open ports
Crawl website... - search a website, looking for email addresses, offsite links etc.; download a website
Browse web... - browse the web in a raw http format
Check cancels... - search your newsserver for cancels

and more...
and the tutorials and help files are worth downloading for.


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