ok i just downloaded a trojan remover to my computer and this is what came up when i started the scan:
The Windows Registry attempts to load this file at boot time:
The file is loaded by the following Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify\Installer
Trojan Remover is unable to scan this file as it is either locked, or being used by another application. Some malicious files deliberately lock thenselves in this way to prevent themselves from being scanned.
If you believe that this file is malicious you can select the appropriate option below to prevent the file from loading.
If you are unsure that the file is not malicious select the option to exclude the file from future scans.
If you are not sure wheather the file is malicious you are recommended to seek advice before taking any action on this file.
NAME:(blank or not accessible)
DESCRIPTION:(blank or not accessible)
VERSION:(blank or not accessible)
SIZE: 234540 bytes
INTERNAL NAME:(blank or not accessible)
LEGAL TRADEMARK:(blank or not accessible)
ORIGINAL FILE NAME:(blank or not accessible)
PRODUCT NAME:(blank or not accessible)
PRODUCT VERSION:(blank or not accessible)
FILE COMMENTS:(blank or not accessible)
What I did was select the option that said to continue letting the file load.