Hi guys, I have been looking for help to able to run my pc properly in the last 2 days, I hope you will be able to help me out with my problem.

I cannot open any of the programs in my pc, there is a spyware in it.

1. On my desktop its says "Your system is infected with spyware. Windows recommends you to use a spyware removal tool to prevent loss of important data and increase system performance." I guess this is the message the goddamn virus put on my desktop.

2. I can open internet explorer but thats about all I can open. I cannot even open the control panel. When I click on it, I just get nothing. Same goes with destop properties. I cannot even change my wallpaper because when I click properties, again I get nothing.

When I click on a program, for example I want to open I tunes, I click on it and I get the standart message " windows cannot open this program. whgat do you want to do?"

then it gives you the two options of

"-find the appropriate program from the web
-choose the program from the list"

(I translated from Turkish so the actual wording may be a little different but you know how the mssage goes, its the standart one)

but this doesnt mean the program isnt there. It is there but it just gives me that message all the time.

and I know it wont open because the program icon has no pictures on it. even If I go to start - programs and then want to open any programs, the program ıcons has no pictures. Even system restore, cleanup etc...

3. this example might help you out understand a little bit more.

if I click on windows media player, it gives me the same message again. however If I go on a music file right click on it and then go to open program with windows media player, I CAN OPEN THE FILE!! but I cannot open all programs like this..

I tried to start my pc using safe mode and I did but the programs still did not open, again they had no pictures on the icons and I couldnt use my adaware etc...

pls help me out here, I dont want to format my pc unless I have to. I can give you more info if needed. thanks a lot. :cry:


Also I would like to add that,

I cannot uninstall any programs. When I download a new program I cannot run it, they just dont open up.

its is windows xp, I realize that I get this "open with" box with all .exe programs. Also no icons appear in the task bar at the right below corner.

Many virus and spyware infections cripple your ability to run certain programs, and sometimes even make it impossible to run any programs.
The following fix may work for you; it restores "broken" .exe file associations in the Registry:


An explanation and brief instructions on using the xp_exe_fix file can be found here:


I have the same problem, and cant fix it.I tried to open the Zip file that the kind person recommends but cant open that, as It asks for a file extension to assoicate it with.Did you have any luck please help Im desperate!

Hi guys, I have been looking for help to able to run my pc properly in the last 2 days, I hope you will be able to help me out with my problem.

I cannot open any of the programs in my pc, there is a spyware in it.

1. On my desktop its says "Your system is infected with spyware. Windows recommends you to use a spyware removal tool to prevent loss of important data and increase system performance." I guess this is the message the goddamn virus put on my desktop.

2. I can open internet explorer but thats about all I can open. I cannot even open the control panel. When I click on it, I just get nothing. Same goes with destop properties. I cannot even change my wallpaper because when I click properties, again I get nothing.

When I click on a program, for example I want to open I tunes, I click on it and I get the standart message " windows cannot open this program. whgat do you want to do?"

then it gives you the two options of

"-find the appropriate program from the web
-choose the program from the list"

(I translated from Turkish so the actual wording may be a little different but you know how the mssage goes, its the standart one)

but this doesnt mean the program isnt there. It is there but it just gives me that message all the time.

and I know it wont open because the program icon has no pictures on it. even If I go to start - programs and then want to open any programs, the program ıcons has no pictures. Even system restore, cleanup etc...

3. this example might help you out understand a little bit more.

if I click on windows media player, it gives me the same message again. however If I go on a music file right click on it and then go to open program with windows media player, I CAN OPEN THE FILE!! but I cannot open all programs like this..

I tried to start my pc using safe mode and I did but the programs still did not open, again they had no pictures on the icons and I couldnt use my adaware etc...

pls help me out here, I dont want to format my pc unless I have to. I can give you more info if needed. thanks a lot. :cry:


I have the same problem but cant open the zip file either, any luck.please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello sjc1971,

First of all- welcome to DaniWeb :)

We ask that members not tag their questions on to a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar your problem might seem). Not only does it divert the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, but it also makes it less likely that you yourself will get the individual attention that you need.

Please start your own thread and post your question in that thread. When you do, please give us as much specific info as possible regarding the problem (exact error messages, the exact version of Windows you are running, etc.).

For a full description of our posting guidelines and general rules of conduct, please see this page:


Thanks for understanding.

I tried to open the Zip file that the kind person recommends but cant open that, as It asks for a file extension to assoicate it with.

Windows XP has the ability to open "zipped" files built in to it, but earlier versions of Windows do not.
If you are not running XP, you need to download a utility like WinZip or WinRAR to deal with .zip files.

Again- please do not follow up on this issue in this thread, but rather in a new thread of your own.

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