Hello there. My name is Dan and this is my first post. I'm inquiring to the wide base of peoplle here at DaniWeb for a very good reason. I suspect that somebody is tracking where I am and what I am viewing on the web via my MSN Messanger account. I suspect that this is a person I know who doesn't like myself very much and is out to hurt my computer via viruses and the like. Now I'm familiar with the internet and how not to do stupid stuff on it, but I'm afraid I'm illequiped to handle a veteran of the callibur who I suspect I'm dealing with.
Here's the deal I keep getting this fakeMSNBeta thing whenever I run spybot search and destroy. I know for a fact that this person is tracking my location via my MSN Messanger account and perhaps my "Mac adress"? Like I said I'm illequiped here. What I'm looking for is for somebody to tell me if A. This is illegal, B. If it is how I can pin it to them. C. How I can make it stop, and D. how I can prevent it from happening again. Anybody and I mean anybody who can help me with this please do. In fact if anybody is interested I would be willing to pay a nominal fee depending on the level of the persons involvement. Thanks everyone and once again I need detailed instructions because I'm a semi-noob.