Hello Community,
I was just wondering what this url is "https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/hellocdn.html?v=1" for some reason on start-up my computer will open this url not all the time but occasionally. It doesn't do anything it just gives my a blank page, the HTTPS certificate is in affect so I don't thing it's a dodgy website (I hope it isn't).
I'm running Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security and that hasn't picked it up as a bad website, I've also scanned the URL using the Trend Micro url scanner and the Norton url scanner and both have said it's an "OK" website.
I have checked the start-up folder and there isn't a link in there to open the url so I have no idea what is could be.
Can anny one help me out I want to stop this if it shouldn't be happening.
OS = Windows 8 64Bit