I've encountered an unknown user appear in my calls log and its had a 16mins airtime videocall to this person in messenger.
I'm just suprised, it was appear in my call logs even though I didn't do anything

Can anyone help me to track this code or identify who is owner of this account in facebook. I attached the screenshot for your reference and
Here's the code that I saw in the contact information of this person. Btw, I'm using IPhone 7 , Idk if this is only a glitch or not.


I hope someone on this group will help me. Your assistance is highly appreciated.

Thank you DaniWeb and everyone,

I'm seeing bad call log information. This is not new so I'd stop spending time on this, delete the log and make sure you have your phone under your control from now on. Change your lock code too.

Again, this isn't the first report of this and so far it's a waste of effort tracking it down so either you burn up your time here or you move on. Until there is more data my advice is to delete the log, secure your phone and move on.

Thanks @rproffitt for the advise.. i will take note of that.m i hope i will not get this kind of scenario again in the future..

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