Hi, I don't have much time left when I think my computer got infected and I'm afraid of turning off my computer now...
I was online for some time until I got a shutdown coundown box that will shutdown my computer automaically after 1 minute but I managed to stop it by using cmd shutdown -a. Then there's a notification popup that say my antivirus has been disable and when I try to re-enable it, it was grey out. At this point I already knew this was a malware...
So I try to open up msconfig but it was locked and need admin for it but I'm running under admin at that time. And it also happen to search box in explorer but luckily the hidden file function still working well. And then my pc started to get slower by time.
I try to open my Avira AV Control Centre but it was sooo slow I had to closed it. MBAM still works and updated with latest database after the infection and found nothing on quick scan (full scan is on the way)
In Task Manager, the process that I find might be virus is avwsc.exe, rundll32.exe and wscntfy.exe since it doesn't show up on normal usage.
Please help me... I'm not sure the exact problem here and how to remove the virus I don't even know it's name.
Right now the important working programs are regedit, taskmanager, mbam, zonealarm, show hidden files... I'm afraid my AV was completely useless and msconfig was locked... I'm using Windows XP SP3 on eeepc 900ha dual-boot with ubuntu 10.04.
Thanks in advance...