I'm looking for help with what appears to be a stubborn trojan problem.
I've read the sticky on how to post requests for help so hopefully I've got this right.
It's regarding a PC running XP Pro. Yesterday morning I began experiencing problems such as right-click disabled, incomplete Start menu, inconsistent navigating with file Explorer.
I suspected a virus and so restarted in Safe Mode and then found the Daniweb virus forum. I followed all the steps outlined in the sticky and MBAM found two trojans. I deleted those with MBAM and then restarted my computer. I was able to log in but then Windows seemed to hang up at the point that it was loading my peronal preferences.
I restarted into Safe Mode again and ran MBAM again. It found two trojans again which means they are somehow hiding out and then regnerating since I had deleted them after the first scan.
I've attached the the logs called "attach" and "dds" but when I attempted to attach the two GMER logs your attachment manager told me they were invalid file types. What do I need to do in order to attach those?
Thanks for your help.