I have the exact same problem as in this thread, but I am clueless about spyware/adware etc... Can you help a computer idiot?

I have the exact same problem, but I am clueless about spyware/adware etc... Can you help a computer idiot?

NO_CLU_NADA_ZIP, you need to complete the steps given on our Read Me first sticky


and then begin Your Own thread rather than piggyback on another person's thread and we will be most happy to assist you. We cannot work with two different persons or two different computers on the same thread.

oops sorry to have "piggybacked'... Like I said, I don't know much about this. I will try to figure out how to start a new thread... Thanks for your help.

oops sorry to have "piggybacked'... Like I said, I don't know much about this. I will try to figure out how to start a new thread... Thanks for your help.

No worries :)

We split you off into your own thread.
Please complete the steps in the linky that Judy posted as best you can and post back here with the results.
Let us know if you run into any problems or have any questions.


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