I was wondering...I have norton internet security istalled and would like to get rid of it due to hearing bad stories from lots of people. Is the free AGV virus program enough to secure me against all threats or do I need some kind of internet security program as well?
Also, does the AGV have a firewall included?
Would appreciate any help.

* The antivirus and "Internet Security" packages from both Norton and McAfee have definitely caused headaches for a lot of people, and even when they're working properly, they put a heck of a load on your system (especially your startup time).

* The free version of AVG is only the antivirus program; it doesn't include a firewall. As far as antivirus program go, though, AVG is very good; it's the AV program I install on my clients' systems when they get sick of the hassle and cost of Norton and McAfee. :D

* Unfortunately, an antivirus program alone isn't enough protection; you should have at least one antispyware program installed/running in addition to your AV program. Microsoft itself has the Window Defender antispyware program avalable as a free download, and the AVG site has a download link to the free version of ewido antispyare, which is an excellent spyware detection and removal program. The free version of ewido does have two limitations, though:
1) It doesn't constantly monitor and protect your system like AVG and Defender; you have to run ewido scans manually.
2) It doesn't automatically update itself; you have to manually download updates for it.

* You should at least enable Windows' built-in firewall (available in XP SP2 only), especially if you don't have a broadband router with a built-in firewall. As for other firewall programs, there are obviously ones that do a better job than the Windows firewall; this page has download links to a number of those programs.
I've been using the free version of Sygate firewall for quite a while and have been very happy with it. Zone Alarm is another popular free firewall.

The following threads have many more suggestions on protecting and "disinfecting" your system:


Hallo !! First of all , let me tell you that you have selected a marvellous username ! Anyway, you have received a reply for your question though, I have something to tell you about selection of anti virus for your secure browsing. For that you can read my Antivirus Review on www.Shvoong.com. Just type "Antivirus Review" in the search box and you will find that. Moreover, if you really want to minimise the risk of a virus attack , then download VMware Player and install a virtual machine
on it. Browse through that instead of your native browser. There will be almost no risk to your host OS. Have a nice time Lovesexy!!

I guess that even though it has been a few years, people are still asking the same question. I would always choose Norton over some of the free ones, especially now that it no longer has such a bad reputation for slowing your computer down. The best free ones at the moment are still AVG and avast!. Recently in the tests Norton has performed very nicely (along with Kaspersky and BitDefender). AVG and avast! still scores relatively highly (in comparison to McAfee, which scores poorly), however with Norton and the others you get a firewall, plus lots of other new features built in - like encryption, permanent deletion of files. There are a few decent anti-virus testing websites like AV-Test and AV Comparatives I would be careful of some sites because they tend just to be the opinions of people who sometimes have very little idea. You hear lots of statements like...'I've used ______ for 5 years and I've never had a problem.' AV-Test and AV Comparatives do much better than that and release up-to-date ratings. I would always say, spend a bit of money and get Kaspersky... but that's just me.

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