I get a "RTL" popup window every few minutes, with the following error message: unable to start HPZipm12.exe . Any ideas? Thank you once again...

Looks like something to do with a Hewlett Packard device. Try reinstalling the software.

Looks like something to do with a Hewlett Packard device. Try reinstalling the software.

I also have the same problem. I asume it's a HP device concern (I have a PSC installed), but ¿why?. That's the problem.
Any ideas?

This error is Common with HP PSC all in one printers, and is very difficult to remove. HP is not helpful in posting clues, or in providing downloads to fix the problem.
One must totally remove the old install, including using a registry editor such as RegClean to remove all references to HP. Then you must reinstall from the original disk or the multiple file download online.
Even then, I do not know anybody who can fix it every time...
This error message, called an RTL, as "Unable to start HPZipm12.exe (HPZipm12.exe) may reappear.
When there is often no solution, you can depress the enter key, or click on the error three times, and the printer will work normally... but as you have it longer, then it make take clicking on it 10 times to get it to stop.
Use registry editors, CCleaner, and others.
It was fixable before the Service Packs, and even with Service Pack 1. but is a buggar with Service Pack 2
Good luck.

I get a "RTL" popup window every few minutes, with the following error message: unable to start HPZipm12.exe . Any ideas? Thank you once again...

Check the following (this procecure is for the
XP operating system):
(a) right click the "My Computer" icon on the desktop or in the Start Menu and select "manage"
(b) double click on "services and Applications" and double click on "Services."
(c) Scroll down within the services to find "PML Driver HPZ12"
(d) Double click on this driver and look at the "path to executable"
It should read something like:
(e) If this path is pointing to a NON-EXISTING directory or a non-system folder, then this is probably your problem.

My solution to this was pretty inelegant, but it worked. I downloaded an update from the HP website for my printer
(HP PSC 2100V.) There was a "security update" to the HP PML
driver. The filename of this update was:


and the URL was:


I ran this update. It reinstalled the PML driver. The "path to executable" is now correct, and the RTL message has
stopped appearing. Good luck.

Thanks for the info, but I imagine that after 5 years, the OP has solved this issue :D

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