I've had this laptop for about two years now, and its never given me any problems up until recently. Its a Dell Inspiron 8200... P4/2.2GHz... 512MB RAM... Runnin WinXP Home Edition SP1.
Lately, I've started experiencing several problems.
First, I got hit hard with the w32.pinfi virus. I'm not sure exactly how bad it got, but I'd estimate 700-1000 infections, maybe even more. Right now, I've got about 450 files in quarantine just from this virus. I've ran the clnpinfi program on it, and my definitions are updated, but its still giving me fits.
Second, I've got the bridge.dll problem. I've read a few sites, including this one and pestcontrol, but I can't figure out how to get rid of it.
Sometimes programs have trouble installing. It will get about halfway through installation and error out.
This is probably the most frustrating, I get the BSOD about once a day, no idea why.
And its been running a lot slower. I'm used to this computer booting up, and as soon as I log on, its ready to go. Now, after I boot up, I log onto my profile, and it takes at least 3-4 minutes for everything to load before I can really mess with it.
I was thinking of just saying "screw it" and re-installing Windows, but if I can get around it I would. Let me know your opinion and if you have solutions to any of this.