I have recently noticed a concerning event while working at my laptop. A box (like those that open when you donwload and install a program) opened very quickly, installed something and closed as quickly as it opened. It was not something I opened or downlaoded certainly not something I've ever experienced.
Later I started having problems like having my contact information oepning up while using microsoft outlook without me doing it. I would close the window but it would open again repeatedly.
I am concerned that someone has or is trying to take over my laptop. Is there anything I can do to chekc whether this is true and stop it. I have a firewall and antivirus software (both from CA associates) as well as a couple antispyware softwares. I ran all of them and could not find anything wrong, but weird things still occur while I work.
Anyone outthere can help?

Please list the "wierd" things that are happening on your computer...please scan using the following website: http://www.pcflank.com/test.htm

After scan, it will let you know to some extent what area of your computer you need to check.

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