Dear [anyone who can help me out]
I'm in some serious need of help currently. I recently transfered to a large university an am now in computer virus hell. The universities network was plagued by all sorts of malware, spyware an the lot. My decent pc that never gave me a problem is now bogged down to the point where using the internet is unthinkable. The campus has given me a copy of Norton Antivirus in order to aid my troubles but I'm afraid thats not doing much. To be more specific I believe what I have is called systemantic (sp?) corp. edition 8.1x or something like that. I've run numerous scans on the system since the installation an everytime i run the scan i find new types of worms and trojans.
This weekend i decided to take my comp back home to work on it an get away from the network and back to my cable modem in hopes that i could actually surf the internet from home. I'm not to knowledgable when it comes to security, firewalls, and virus infections for that matter. this simply never was a problem from my home network. Anyway, being at home hasnt helped i still cant really utilize the internet. just about every link to a site leads to the "cannot find server, DNS error" message. I also tried to do some scans at home hoping that if i moved off the college network i could get rid of some of the worms for good. I think that worked because the scans arent' finding any more viruses. But i just cant seem to understand how to get my internet back up an running.
I would really appreciate any help i could get on this matter. Also, i'm writing this post from my mac at home which is accessing the internet just fine. I wasnt able to post from my comp because of the dns error. also, for the same reason i havent been able to download hijack, i dont know if that will be an issue or not. I just really need a helping hand at this point, i have to have the comp running, i have to rely on it for school