As a novice programmer, I'm trying to figure out how I can make a software package from my code. It's Python, so it doesn't really need to be compiled.

But anyways, could anybody point me to a good resource where I can figure it out?


Which platform are you planning to deploy it on? You can choose say, RPM for RH based distro's, or .debs for debian... or, go good old fashioned tar ball (.tar.gz) which is pretty universal.

Which platform are you planning to deploy it on? You can choose say, RPM for RH based distro's, or .debs for debian... or, go good old fashioned tar ball (.tar.gz) which is pretty universal.

I wish to be able to deploy it on as many as possible. But more specifically, I would like it to be available for Ubuntu/Debain first, seeing as those seem to bemost popular at this point.


I'd like to tarball it also, but only as an alternative if somebody's distro isn't supported.

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