ctrl u erases the current line
ctrl w erases the last word you tpyod
ctrl c kills a running process you just started from the command line (usually)
history <number> displays the last <number> of commands typed
history 15 displays the last 15 commands ,with a number
take that number and type !<number> to rerun the command


user:$ history 5
  500  su
  501  bnxd hjxrfyj
  502  history 15
  503  df
  504  history 5
user:$ !503
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3             19919988  19293256    626732  97% /
/dev/hda1            133191012  97840548  28584692  78% /home
/dev/sda1            219718816 179836836  28720824  87% /home/user/mnt/sdb
tmpfs                  1035476         0   1035476   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1              1981024   1981024         0 100% /media/disk-1

Dude, HAWT tip with the history commands! wOOt!

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