Hi all

I am trying to install Flash Player on my laptop with Ubuntu 6.06. I have had trouble installing flash on Ubuntu before but this time I really am struggling. I have tried installing the flashplugin-nonfree, I have tried

$ cd /tmp
$ wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
$ cd install_flash_player_10_linux
$ ./flashplayer-installer

Followed the installation then restarted laptop even though it only says logout.

And i have tried a few more ones as well but now I am well and truly stumped. I have googled and tried quite a few ways but still no youtube vids :(

Can anyone please help me, am I missing something (I usually am).

Many thanks


For which browser (firefox)?


Sorry I was bit vague with my last response as to what version, its firefox

The reason I am running an old version is because the laptop its running on is low spec, 256RAM Pentium 3, so Live cd takes hours. The only alternate .iso I had on my pc at the time was 6.06 and seen as I didn't want to download another one of the latest version I installed 6.06.
I did consider updating it using update manager to 8.10 but it said it would take a few hours so I downloaded the alternate .iso of 8.10 thinking it just would be quicker to download and install it from scratch. All went well until it came to installing Grub, wouldn't install neither would Lilo so it was back to the old alternate 6.06 disk. And i did perform MD5 Checksum on the 8.10 .iso so just bad luck probably.

I will probably create a thread about the botched install later.



the latest version of ubuntu will work really fast with 256, just disable effects
if you want to keep the current OS then:
go to termianl and make this folder
well just type this in without quotes
"mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins"
now go to any site that requires flash and install

and if installing from websites doesnt work, go in the terminal again and type
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-flashplugin
use this as a second last resort,
last resort go to synaptic and search for flash and install

The reason I am running an old version is because the laptop its running on is low spec, 256RAM Pentium 3, so Live cd takes hours. The only alternate .iso I had on my pc at the time was 6.06 and seen as I didn't want to download another one of the latest version I installed 6.06.
I did consider updating it using update manager to 8.10 but it said it would take a few hours so I downloaded the alternate .iso of 8.10 thinking it just would be quicker to download and install it from scratch. All went well until it came to installing Grub, wouldn't install neither would Lilo so it was back to the old alternate 6.06 disk. And i did perform MD5 Checksum on the 8.10 .iso so just bad luck probably.

I will probably create a thread about the botched install later.



With a system with such low specs, I would probably run either Zenwalk (based on Slackware) or AntiX (based on Mepis/Debian). The beauty of these are that Flash is already installed. Antix also has multimedia codecs preloaded, and since it is based on debian (like Ubuntu) you can use synaptic to install anything extra you need.:cool:

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