Hey guys I'm using Linux and I'm having trouble with Open Office. This is the first time it has happened. I try to open a file saved with open office and its coming up with translation stuff like western europe (Applemac) and stuff.
What has happened and how can I fix it?
I need this document for the HSC :(

Sounds like it was saved in a different format.... is this the same machine you made the file on?

What format is this file in (.doc, .odt, etc.)? Is this the only file that you're having trouble opening?

Sounds like it was saved in a different format.... is this the same machine you made the file on?

YEs it is...Like i have always saved them onto my Portable harddrive just like normal and they wont open and the only machine I have open office on is my laptop which i created the files and tried to open them on

What format is this file in (.doc, .odt, etc.)? Is this the only file that you're having trouble opening?

Its saved in the win/97/98 whatever thing it is...just like always.
and its all of the files in that one folder.

Can you open the files in a different word processor? (Try AbiWord.)

I couldnt imagine permissions causing that issue, but the fact that they are all in the same folder makes me think that. Check the permissions on those folders.

Its ok guys its stopped doing it now. I dont know what happened but thanx for the help

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