
I was hoping that there is somebody that can tell me how to configure a Dual Boot system with Windows XP on one hard drive and SuSe Linux on the other. Most of the support I've seen has been for dual booting from the same hard drive. If anyone can aid me in this, their help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Greetings again,

I have found the solution to my own problem and no longer require assistance on this matter.

Thanks for your intrest in this thread


And thanks for not posting the solutions...bastard

The secret is installing XP first & leaving partitionless hard drive space free before installing Linux. then just use free space. I'm sure that was what he figured out.

does anyone know the magic line to add to the windows bootloader
to hook up a hard disk already containing Linux to a Windows system ?

I know I need to edit fstab on the linux disk to change hda to hdb

does anyone know the magic line to add to the windows bootloader
to hook up a hard disk already containing Linux to a Windows system ?

I know I need to edit fstab on the linux disk to change hda to hdb

what's wrong with lilo or grub?

I want to do a hard disk juggle; The new system will have Windows, because Windows install overwrites the boot sector, I will simply remove the Linux-containing disk(s) and let windows do it's little thing.

The I want to just tell it's bootloader "offer me the other disk also".

The linux(es) are indeed on removable SATA drives

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