hey guys just want to install open suse with windows 7 but i have a problem which i have only one hard disk with one primary partition running windows so i want to know how to make another primary partition to boot open suse from .. so how to make that using open source program e.g: gparted

Refering to my knowledge of Ubuntu, when we try to Install new operating system then at the time of installation it gives user the option to select differnet partition scheme. At that time user can create new partition for new operating system or make space in existing partiion or edit existing partition etc.

So I suggest insert your suse cd and restart comp. and it wll prompt you for partition, at that point u create new partition.

CAUTION: ALWAYS Backup necessary data when doint things like repartition, new partition, edit partition, install new o.s. etc.

do you think that will help to make a primary partition .. i think it will only help me to create just an extended partition,editing and resizing it only.so please if you know another method for doing that just tell.=)

do you think that will help to make a primary partition .. i think it will only help me to create just an extended partition,editing and resizing it only.so please if you know another method for doing that just tell.=)

I think u want to install suse WITHOUT removing and reinstalling windows 7.
So how can u do completely new partition formatting without erasing all data on the hard drive?

Either u have to remove that windows first and do completely new partition or
what I have told u shold work.

I think u just want to install suse by keeping windows as it is. So my suggestion should work?

If I am mistaking in understanding your question then correct me by stating clearly the situation.

you are right i just need to install open suse without removing windows 7 just because i am still new to linux .
Some one told me just to put the ubuntu live cd and to use gparted to resize,edit any partition but when i try it , it fails to work on my problem.
finally by googling i found that your first solution was right since i don't need a primary partition to install suse
that is the link if you want to read it


thanks abhi navale.

So I hope everything is fine with you now, then mark this thread as SOLVED.

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