Make a project, consisting of 3 modules: student.cpp, course.cpp and register.cpp. Write source and header file for a program that registers students for courses. Design a class student that stores the name of the student, the id number and array (vector) of all course numbers for which the student is resisted. Design a class course that stores the course number, and array (vector) of the id numbers of all students who are registered for this course. In the register.cpp implement functions that add and drop students and print course lists.

I got this far somebody help me with the rest of the program please. help me guys i really need ur help..

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class student
      void addCourse (int courseNumber);
      void dropCourse (int courseNumber);
     void print();
     friend class course;

     int studentID;
    string studentName;
   vector<int> courseID;

void student:: addCourse (int courseNumber)
      courseId.push_back  (courseNumber);
void student::dropCourse (int courseNumber)
      for (int i = 0; i < courseID.size(); i++)
             if (courseId[i] == courseNumber)
                     int temp = courseID[i];
                     courseId [i] = courseID [courseID>size()-1];
                     courseId [courseID.size()-1] = temp;

void student::print()
        cout << name << studentID <<endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < courseID.size(); i++)
               cout << courseID[i] <<endl;

void main()
       student student_1 ("Yuja",20);
       course course_1 ("CISP",34);
       student_ .addCourse(course);

void main()
    student one("student1",1);
    student two("student2",2);
    course c_one("math",101);
    course c_two("cis",202);
    cout<<"1.Add course"<<endl;
            cout<<"Enter student id";
            int s_id;
            for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++)
                if(s_id==s[i]_id())//you will have to add id
                    cout<<"Enter course id"<<endl;
                        int c_id;
                        for(int j=0; j<c.size(); j++)

guys help me please..............

It's barely been 10-mins. You can't expect immediate answers. Especially when you triple post. Good Luck.

commented: Especially for someone in too much of a hurry to figure out code tags +20

And since it's only been 15 minutes since your post, you still have time to edit your post to add code tags and reformat your code so we can read it.

Also, you need to tell us what you're actually having trouble with. No one is just going to finish your program for you.

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