So i installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my usb drive, my first steps after i installed

change background to planets
run synaptic package manager
update everything

and EVERY TIME i install grub pc, and the updated kernel stuff it always screws up then makes the system either practically un usuable or once its shut down it wont ever boot into it, i need to learn how to use klam av and this is all a pain in the freaking ass

please help

...on my usb drive... - is that a hard disk or a flash drive?

...first steps... - how was the os before you did that? did you check to see what was / wasn't working? (you may require proprietary (non-free) drivers)

...install grub... - do you mean after the initial install of ubuntu or are you trying to do something after the install?

...won't boot... - after the modifications or before?

...klam av... - hold off on that until we get the install stable

A usb flash drive, 8 gigs (4 persistant)

The os was brand new, just installed using linux live creator

I installed it to the usb, booted in the usb, then ran software update

The software update completes, and all the firmware and kernel and linux versions dont install correctly,and neither does grub pc.. i know because it tells me that

and it wont boot after modifications,

heres another thread with what appears to be the same problem

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