Hello guys, i got live CD ubuntu linux. I've never tried linux before, and I decided to test it first, see how it looks and similar stuff. I placed cd in cdrom and after a few minutes I had a fully functional ubuntu linux. Now, my question is:
Is it possible to see contents of my hard disk?
Is there anything like win explorer?
When I double click on file sistem I got window with bunch of folders bin, root... How to see my actuall files?


Hello guys, i got live CD ubuntu linux. I've never tried linux before, and I decided to test it first, see how it looks and similar stuff. I placed cd in cdrom and after a few minutes I had a fully functional ubuntu linux. Now, my question is:
Is it possible to see contents of my hard disk?
Is there anything like win explorer?
When I double click on file sistem I got window with bunch of folders bin, root... How to see my actuall files?


The bin, boot, etc. directories are the filesystem. To get to, say, your windows hard drive, open up a terminal and type:

mkdir /mnt/windows
sudo mount -t auto -o rw,user /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows

Then in the filesystem, your windows drive will be under /mnt/windows.

Thank you for your reply. I'll try that. However, I've decided to install linux OS on my machine. I think it will be Mandrake. I plane to use computer just like ordinary home computer. I have following configuration:
AMD Duron 750 Mhz
RAM 768 MB
HDD1 40 GB
HDD2 15 GB
MB Asus A7s-vm (integrated sound and vga).
I already have winXP installed, and I'd like to make a dual boot with Mandrake installed on second hard disk. Any advices, or interesting links that might be helpfull to me?

Just one, more thing...
I manage to get Mandrake 9.0. What would you recommended? Is my hardware config good enough?

Mandy 9.0 is 3 years old now; I'd suggest getting a newer version. Mandrake has since renamed itself "Mandriva" (don't ask...); check out their latest releases at their download site.

A couple of other Linux distros which I'd recommend for users coming from a Windows background are SuSE (now owned by Novell) and Fedora (an offshoot of Red Hat).

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