I am trying to get a Belkin wireless card to work in a RH9 machine. Can anyone give me a simple How-To on doing this?

Thanks in advance


Various cards have worked for me under R.H.9. Make sure your pcmcia daemon is running, and also have kudzu identify the card for you.

It might take a little more for you to get it working. Maybe I just lucked out.



Various cards have worked for me under R.H.9. Make sure your pcmcia daemon is running, and also have kudzu identify the card for you.

It might take a little more for you to get it working. Maybe I just lucked out.


I am not trying to do this from a laptop. I am trying to do this from a desktop. I shouldn't need to have the pcmica deamon running should I?

Can you give us the exact model # of the card please?

Also, the output of the following command should show some details about the card; please post that info as well:


(the first letter of that command is a lowercase "L")

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